Integrating Knowledge in Business processes
We understand the fundamentals of knowledge acquisition and transfer, and how critical both are to any organization’s long-term success. Our military background is foundational in helping you imbed knowledge in jobs, integrate it in systems and in your culture’s primary vehicle for keeping knowledge strong – your leaders.

Herdt’s DON CIO Knowledge Management Case Study
Herdt Consulting directly supports the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO) to cultivate the theories and concepts of Knowledge Management along with being certified to facilitate DON CIO’s Knowledge Management Course. Herdt Consulting implemented two Knowledge Management pilot projects across the U.S. Navy submarine, reserve and mine warfare communities including classified expeditionary warfare commands. The results were so revealing that the DON CIO integrated these lessons learned department-wide. Herdt has formally briefed the benefits, principles and disciplines of Knowledge Management to all levels from the new recruit to Navy flag-level leadership.